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What is's Human-in-the-Loop review?

No artificial intelligence system, including self-driving cars and airplane autopilots, can achieve absolute accuracy in its results. Integrating human verification has become increasingly important for our customers to address this limitation and ensure reliable outcomes. provides an innovative solution that enables companies to automate any document type seamlessly with an AI-driven platform.'s human-in-the-loop (HITL) reviewers enhance accuracy by correcting complex or ambiguous data that AI algorithms struggle with, guaranteeing robust and trustworthy outcomes. Our AI + Human collaboration is an accurate, fast, and cost-efficient alternative to other providers in the market, at no additional charge. With, our customers gain access to a leading platform and a dedicated 24/7 verification team empowering their organizations with the versatility of

How does HITL operate?

With Your Reviewers:

Our customers can utilize their in-house reviewers by adding them to our HITL workflow integration known as Flows. Review teams can easily be built by simply adding their email addresses and domain names through settings. To include your reviewers, follow these steps: 1) Go to your Flow integration settings. 2) Navigate to "Basic Information." 3) Scroll down to "Who can review your results?" 4) Select "Store my data and allow the following users to see, review, and approve the results:'' and add your email below. 5) Optionally, set the data retention period.

With Reviewers:

Our dedicated reviewer team operates 24/7, catering to our customer's needs across various document types, time zones, and languages. Each reviewer must pass a thorough international background check, receive extensive job training, pass the qualification examination, and have their day-to-day activities closely monitored. Additionally, standby reviewers are available to join the team promptly when required. This enables our customers with larger volumes to initiate document processing within a timeframe of just 2 weeks. As your business grows, our team can scale accordingly, with advance notice, to handle the increased volume.